Interlibrary Loan |
Can’t find what you need? Use our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service to order materials from other libraries across the country.
- You must have an Orem Library card to use ILL.
- Patrons are responsible for all postage for ILL items. The charge typically ranges from $3 to $7.
- Renewals, when available, should be requested one week prior to the due date. Some libraries will not allow items to be renewed.
- Overdue fees for ILL items are $1 per day. The loaning library may also impose overdue charges. It is especially important to return ILL items on time so that our library does not lose its loaning privileges with other libraries.
*Items whose primary content or purpose is deemed by the Orem Library’s collection development staff or Library Advisory Commission to be pornographic (as defined by the Utah State Code, Title 76-10-1203) will not be made available through ILL.