Library Cards and Accounts |
Getting A Library Card
You must be 18 years old with a current government, school or employer issued photo ID that includes your full name OR at least 5 years old with a parent or legal guardian in attendance and able to sign the library card application (this parent or legal guardian must also have an Orem Library account and have photo identification present)
Library cards are free of charge for Orem or Provo residents. Nonresidents are required to pay a nonresident fee of $70 for six months or $120 for one year. The cities of Lindon, Vineyard, Alpine and Cedar Hills will reimburse a portion of that amount.
Please provide proof of address with one of the following:
1) A Driver License issued within the last 3 months
2) Current rental agreement or receipt
3) Any piece of mail with name and current address postmarked in the past 3 months
If you don’t have an Orem Library account and are a resident of Orem or Provo, you can register for a card by clicking here and choosing “Register for a new Library Card.”
To receive your library card after preregistration, you must complete your registration by presenting a current photo ID and proof of current address to the Library’s circulation desk within 14 days. If you are under 18, your parent or legal guardian must be present at the time of registration with their own photo ID and Orem Library card.
Children ages 5–17 may obtain a library card with a parent or guardian in attendance to sign the application. Parents must have an active Orem Library account in good standing and show photo identification to get a card for their child. To learn more about introducing your child to the library, read the Parents’ Guide to Orem Public Library.
About My Account
All but specifically marked items may be returned through our 24 hour drive-up book-drop, located on the north side of the Library. For further information, call 801-229-7050.
DVD's and Videos have a $1.00 fee and check out for 2 weeks.
Most late materials are subject to a $.10 per day fine.
Videos and DVDs are $.50 per day.
A $5.00 late fee is added when an item becomes 30 days overdue.
Charges for damaged or lost items is our original cost of the item plus a $5.00 processing fee.
Late fees and charges can be paid online or in person at the library front desk.
Charges for lost or damaged books must be paid in person.