Adult Reading Challenge

The adult reading challenge encourages adult readers, ages 18 and up, to read more books, discover new authors and genres, and develop or deepen their love of reading.

There are 30 categories to choose from. Read a book from 15 categories to complete the challenge and earn a prize. Read a book from all 30 categories to earn a bonus prize. 

You can track your progress by using the app Beanstack for reading challenges. You can download the app or use it in a browser. As you finish each category, add the title of the book you read to that category’s badge on Beanstack.

You can also track what you read with the challenge bookmark, which is available at the library’s Reference and Fiction desks.


2025 Reading Categories

1) Book that's been on your TBR the longest

2) Historical fiction recommended by a librarian

3) Graphic nonfiction

4) By an Asian-American author

5) Includes a non-binary character

6) A banned book

7) Released in 2024

8) By or related to Jane Austen

9) From a library display

10) City setting impacts plot

11) A short story collection

12) From one of the "punk" genres

13) A religion you don't practice

14) A Hugo, Printz, or Booker-award nominee or winner

15) Related to pets

16) Includes a monster

17) Afrofuturism or Africanfuturism

18) Your favorite color in the title or cover

19) About the life of an artist

20) Poetry written by a U.S. Poet Laureate

21) By or related to Shakespeare

22) About running, hiking, or walking

23) Related to the ocean

24) A one-word title

25) Mythology retelling that is NOT Greek or Roman

26) A popular author you haven't read

27) A psychological thriller

28) A middel grade novel

29) Set in or about a library

30) Orem Reads 2025 book

2025 Reading Categories Printable List

Want to keep a copy of the challenge catergories with you? Print this handy list for easy reference.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I track my progress?

The library uses the app Beanstack for reading challenges. You can download the app or use it in a browser. As you finish each category, add the title of the book you read to that category’s badge on Beanstack.

You can also track what you read with the challenge bookmark, which is available at the library’s Reference and Fiction desks.

Do I have to use Beanstack?

If you want to be entered into the prize drawing and earn the completion prize, you do need to use Beanstack to record what you read.

If you just want to complete the challenge for personal satisfaction, you don’t have to record in Beanstack.

What are the prizes?

There are two types of prizes: the completion prizes and the drawing prizes. Completion prizes are earned by reading 15 or 30 books. Drawing prizes are won by entering tickets as badges are earned in Beanstack.

When will prizes be available?

Completion prizes will be available in early autumn. Drawing prizes will be added throughout the challenge; they will be awarded at the end of the challenge and available to be picked up in January 2026.

How do I know what the categories are?

The categories are listed on the bookmark, the Beanstack challenge, and the Collection Spotlights.

Do I have to read a book from the library lists?

No. These are just suggestions. You can interpret the categories in your own way and choose what you think fits.

How do I find books for each category?

Most of the categories have a recommendation list. You can see the lists on the library website,, by clicking on “Spotlights” and then “Reading Challenges.”

What kinds of books qualify for the challenge?

Print, e-book, audio, and e-audiobooks all count towards the challenge. You can read fiction or nonfiction books from the adult OR teen section. This year there is also one category for middle grade/junior fiction.

Is there a minimum page requirement?

No. As long as the book is written for adults or teens, it counts.

Do I have to read a library book, or can I read my own copy?

You can read either a library copy or a personal copy. If the library does not have a book you would like to read, you can submit a request for the library to purchase it.

What if I want to share what I’m reading on social media?

Use the hashtag #opladultreadingchallenge2025 and make sure to tag @oremlibrary.

How do I pick up my prize?

After you've read the required 15 books and logged them on Beanstack, you may pick up your completion prize at the fiction desk in the south wing of the library beginning in early autumn. The date that completion prizes are available will be announced on the library’s social media and by email. Winners of the ticket drawings will be contacted via email in January 2026 with pick-up instructions.

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